Nursing in Nepal before 1972:
Nursing existed in Nepal from the very beginning.At first,the mother or other women at home provided nursing care to the sick,injured and old.Nursing has passed many phases but the inner spirit of nursing is the same-care of people.To be successful in nursing,nurses must enjoy their work.Nursing is a service which can be practised with personal satisfaction, and earn a living at the same time.
But now,the concept of nursing has changed.These changes are mainly due to change in the concept of health,pattern of illness and disease, and progress in science and technology.Now it has come out of the hospital to the community with the concept of primary health care.The nurses role is more expanded towards the promotion of health,prevention of disease rather than just providing care to the sick.
Nursing exists to serve society;as conditions and needs of society have changed,practices have altered in response to these changes.Today,nurses world-wide work in a variety of health areas.Such changes have occurred in Nepal also.
But there were,however,certain nursing implications that affected nursing negatively.When nursing was first introduced,various difficulties were encountered.Few girls were educated and nurse training was socially unacceptable.There were many difficulties to overcome in the beginning.Only 15% of student population in the country were girls,and the attitude of the society was another problem.Nursing was considered to be a very low type of service in the society.Most parents from high classes were opposed to the idea of sending their children to study nursing.
These difficulties were the same in Miss Nightingale's day but over the past century,nursing has become a respectable profession in Europe.Nepal's acceptance and respect for nurses was greatly encouraged by HRH Princess Prekshya Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah,who took nurse training during 1973-1976.Education for girls is now widely promoted and the number desiring to enter the profession has increased greatly.There is greater awareness of the need for health care;as a result of demand for nurses,their skill is increasing.
Before 1956 A.D.(2013 B.S.) in Nepal,nursing service consisted of a few midwives trained in India and some local trained compounders.Hospital in Nepal was first established in 1890 A.D.(1947 B.S.)and that is Bir Hospital.But nursing service was practically non-existent.Medicines and dressings were done by doctors or compounders.
In the early 19th century,Nepali people become little aware of health,specially the Rana family.So they started to send Nepali ladies for nursing training in India,time to time.
During the Rana period,from 1928 to 1985 B.S..four ladies,Vidhyawati Kansakar,Radha Devi Malakar,Dharma Devi Kansakar and Bishnu Devi Rai were sent to Allahabad,India for 18 months midwifery training.After completion of their training,all of them were put at Bir Hospital for their service.Among these four ladies,two of them,Vidyawati and Radha Devi,worked as nurses,almost their whole life in Bir Hospital,but the other two worked for a short period.At present,Bishnu Devi Rai is the Campus Chief of Lalitpur Nursing Campus.
The second lot,Miss(Dr.)Uma Devi Das and Miss Rukmini C.Shrestha were sent for staff nurse training in India in 1952 or 2009 B.S.The course was 3yrs p months and one year internship,all together 4 yrs and 9 months.After finishing the training both ladies came back to Nepal in 1956 and 1957 A.D.(2013 and 2014 B.S.)respectively and started working in the HMG School of Nursing,which is the Nursing Campus,Maharajgunj,at present.Miss Das is the Director of Nursing Education Department.
In 1953(2010 B.S.),the 3rd lot of ladies,Miss Tara Devi Tuladhar,Rupa,Mithai,Krishna Vijaya,Rupakesari and Vidhya Thapa were sent to India for 18 months' midwifery training.After coming back from training,all of them were appointed to Prasuti Griha,Thapathali,as midwives.Most of them are still working in different places.In the same year,other four ladies were sent to Sri Lanka,then "Ceylon", for Tuberculosis Nursing for a period of two years.
Later on with the effort and influence of Late King Mahendra and Juanita Fleming,RN,a nurse missionary,the Nursing School of Nepal was opened at Surendra Bhawan,Sanepa,Lalitpur,in 1956 A.D. with the help of the WHO.Moreover,the changing pattern of the health concepts of the people of Nepal specially the intellectuals and health personnel determined the need of nursing service in Nepal.At first,the school was managed and run by WHO nurses,Miss D.M.Ross,London,Miss J.Miles,New Zealand and Miss P.G.Cannon,Ireland.There were fifteen students in the first intake of the nursing school,out of which,eleven students passed successfully and four discontinued their education.
After three years of nursing education,the school was moved from Surendra Bhawan to Chhetrapati and a few years later,the school was moved to Bir Hospital compound,at Mahabauddha.There it stayed for a few years by the name:"HMG School of Nursing,Mahabauddha."In 1972,it was named Mahabauddha Nursing Campus,after Tribhuvan University took over all the health related education programmes in Nepal.Finally the campus moved to Maharajgunj on the 1st Chaitra of 2042(14 March 1986)in its own building and renamed Maharajgunj Nursing Campus.The present campus is built by the government of Japan.
Before 1960,most students were accepted in the nursing programme just under matriculation(i.e.SLC incomplete).To maintain the standard of nursing education,the entrance requirement of the programme changed in 1969.The new requirement for admission into the programme was now S.L.C. Pass.At that time the training programme was run by His Majesty's Government and the duration if the nursing course was 31/2 years.In 1959,another school if nursing under the "United Mission to Nepal" was established in Nirbhawan,separate from HMG School of Nursing,Mahabauddha.Both schools were accredited by the Nepal Nursing Council which gave the final examination and registration to the graduates.In 1972,when Nirbhawan Nursing School came under the Institute of Medicine,it became a branch of the Mahabauddha Nursing Campus.In 1991,the UMN(Nir Bhawan) Nursing Campus became independent from the Maharajgunj Nursing Campus,but directly under the IOM Dean's Office.The name of the new campus was changed to Lalitpur Nursing Campus.Academically,it follows the rules and policies of T.U.,IOM, but it is financially supported by the United Mission to Nepal.
Nursing in Nepal after 1972:
In 1972,all health programs were placed under Tribhuvan University.So the Nursing School Mahabauddha became Nursing Campus Mahabauddha.This change reinforced the compulsory S.L.C. pass for all new admissions.The nursing program changed from an annual system to the semester system of studies to match the rest of the university programs.The nursing students had to take the same compulsory courses as other university students.There were more theory classes with fixed internal examinations and semester examinations.Students received certificates in medical science from the university when they passed their final examinations.Nursing education was now reduced from three and half years to three years of study.In 1973,HRH Princess Prekshya Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah joined the nursing training.This brought a great change in social outlook in nursing.Now nursing is accepted by society and many young girls join the nursing training.
In 1980,the university semester system changed back into the annual system but the nursing education remained for three years.Since 1981,admission requirement has been S.L.C. pass with second division scoring merit in Science,Mathematics and English.At present,there are seven nursing campuses in the country:Maharajgunj,Lalitpur,Bir Hospital,Pokhara,Biratnagar,Birgunj and Nepalgunj.Earlier,there were five ANM extension campuses,but at present,there are only two campuses running under IOM Tribhuvan University;they are in Bharatpur and Tansen.The first ANM school was opened at Bharatpur in 1962 with the help of USAID.Later,another ANM extension campus opened in Biratnagar in 1966; likewise in Nepalgunj in 1969,in Tansen in 1973 and in Chhetrapati in 1975.
Nursing education advanced gradually.Some of the ANM extension campuses were upgraded to certificate nursing campuses,such as Biratnagar Nursing Campus was upgraded in 1982 and Nepalgunj Nursing Campus in 1987.Pokhara Nursing Campus was upgraded from Community Medical Assistant(CMA) School in 1985;Birgunj Campus was also upgraded from Health Assistant School to Nursing Campus in 1986.One more nursing campus was added in 1989 (2046 B.S.),Bir Hospital Nursing Campus,which is opened by HMG and affiliated to Tribhuvan University.Great changes occurred in 1986,all certificate nursing programs enrolled 10% male students in their programs.But after four batches of intake this policy was stopped.
A great shortage of nurses is expected.In this connection,the ANM campus at Tansen is also being upgraded for the training of nurses.
A Bachelor Program of Nursing began at Maharajgunj Nursing Campus in 1977(2034 B.S.) with more wmphasis on midwifery.Later in 1987,the emphasis was changed to community health nursing,adult nursing in 1983(2040) and child health nursing in 1985(2042).In 1988(2045),all Bachelor Nursing Curricula were reorganized and a two track B.N. program was initiated with specialization in community nursing and hospital nursing.A masters program in Nursing has been started at the Nursing Campus,Maharajgunj from 1995.