10:00 AM

Nursing As A Profession

Nursing As A Profession

It was believed previously that profession is an occupation which is permed with a special preparation.The profession must have a declaration of belief and loyalty on the jobs done by the professionals.There are many kinds of profession which is striving to attain professionalism by fulfilling certain criteria.
The criteria given by Gene View and Ray W.Bixler are as follows:
  1. Has a well defined and well organised body of specialized knowledge which is on the intellectual level of higher learning.
  2. Is constantly enlarging its body of knowledge and improving its techniques of education and service by the use of scientific method.
  3. Entrusts the education of its practitioners to institutions of higher education.
  4. Applies its body of knowledge in practical service which is vital to human and social welfare.
  5. Functions autonomously in the formulation of professional policy and in the control of professional activity thereby.
  6. Attracts individuals of intellectual and personal qualities who exalt service above personal gain and who recognize their chosen occupation as life work.
  7. Strives to compensate its practitioner by providing freedom of action,opportunity for continuous professional growth and economic society.

Thus a profession can be summarised as being

  • intellectuality based
  • scientifically sound
  • require higher education
  • self governed
  • service oriented
  • provide personal development
  • security for its members

These professional qualities should be followed by nurses in nursing profession.